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Custom Earplugs

According to section 7.5 of the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation, employers of noise-exposed workers greater than 85 dBA must establish and maintain a noise control and hearing conservation program. The program must include hearing protection.
We provide custom fitted earplugs to ensure compliance with OHS regulation and minimize workplace injury.

Hearing protection devices reduce noise reaching the ear. The two main types of protection are earplugs and earmuffs. The goal of wearing hearing protection is to achieve acceptable or optimal protection. Often times, disposable earplugs or earmuffs can be challenging for workers to wear for their entire shift. This can be due to communication demands, compatibility with other PPE, environmental factors, or overall comfort. Our custom fitted earplugs are designed to fit snugly, providing effective protection, while meeting all of your unique working needs.

TJ's Workplace Hearing Testing has been providing their custom earplug services for several years. We can service any sized company and help prevent noise-induced hearing loss in the workplace by providing workers with hearing protection they will want to wear.
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TJ's Workplace Hearing Testing
8156 154 St
Surrey, BC, V3S 7X8
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